Thursday, July 15, 2010

the little things!

7-15- 10

It is truly the little things in life…. Today I fixed my friend Susannah’s ( SUEZ! ) car. This is a very little somewhat meaningless thing to most people but to me it was a VICTORY! Let me count the ways.

  1. I accomplished something that I sat out to do. This was important because sometimes you just gotta get that since of accomplishment no matter how minute.
  2. I helped someone in need. In general this could be way bigger than fixing a car. But that’s what I could do.

There really is something to the whole “ If you wanna feel better help someone else” mentality. Cause I gotta be honest I feel pretty darn good. Mainly the fact that I conquered the Beast that was “the 96 Breeze” but also Ol’ Susie seemed to be very grateful to now having a working automobile.

All this being said, for all my readers, both of you, I encourage you to go do something nice for someone or accomplish something today!

Me Encanta MI VIDA!

Friday, July 9, 2010

my birthday

Today is my birthday! 27. I think that officially makes me old, No longer in my mid 20’s. I suppose looking back on the last 27 yrs. I have got to be one of the most blessed people I know. I have the most amazing family, My Dad who is my best friend in the world, I cant speak highly enough of him. Mom, who is probably the sweetest woman ever. My sister !!!! Exclamation points are the only thing I can think to describe her. My Nama and Nanny, my cousins, my aunts and uncles honestly just the best. My dear dear “old” friends , who has the same friends from when they are 5?, We all have a bond that time nor distance could ever come between. My new friends ….. I just love these people, not sure where I’d be without them.

So 27 yrs of wisdom or experiences or mistakes and this is what I’ve got… I’m borrowing this from a biblical scholar that I cant remember, but just hit me so hard when I heard it and I think it wraps up everything I’ve learned in one sentence “Jesus loves me this I know for the Bible tells me so.” – Brilliant

Looking forward to the next 27yrs of loving, learning and living.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

So…. For anyone who is following (currently no one) for money I work as a Deputy Sheriff in a jail, tough work, but it has its moments that completely make it worth, those moments where you feel as if you really made a difference in an inmate’s life. I also work as the “development officer” at Hillside Missions Organization, I am just now learning what this job entails, so I am currently developing me to do this job more effectively, I only wish that I had more time to dedicate to this job.

Time for the meat and potatoes mmmmmm. I am currently re-reading Mere Christianity by CS Lewis. I have to re-read most everything he has written because, well he writes on a much higher level than I comprehend and because I have a bit of the ADD. Anyhow I am reading the chapter about Faith and he defines faith as this “ it is the art of holding on to things our reason has once accepted, in spite of your changing moods” currently this is a huge discovery for me. I know without a shadow of a doubt that Christianity is the truth but recently I have been questioning different things, which is good because it is kind of remodeling my faith, but I had felt as if this was bad because I shouldn’t be questioning these things. If I didn’t question them then I wouldn’t be studying them to figure this stuff out. I think this is what “ work out your salvation with fear and trembling” is.

That is all for today. This is kind of heavy , maybe my next blog will be a funny story! Until next time……

Im new be gentle

This is my first attempt at a blog I think I will just talk of the things that I am learning and such, maybe a few of my random thoughts. I am dedicated to at least one a week. Hope you enjoy.